Sunday Worship
July 19th, 2020
“What’s It Gonna Take?”
Luke 15: 1-10
Rev. Tyler Dirks
Recorded Worship Service Audio – (52m:20s)
2020-7-19 Worship Guide (Open the Worship Guide to worship along with this week’s recording of music, confessions, and sermon)
Children’s Sermon Notes – Luke
Sermon Outline:
- What are you drawn to?
- What do you need?
Reflection Questions:
- Why do you think tax collectors and sinners were drawn to Jesus? Are you drawn to Jesus for similar reasons?
- How important to you is it to avoid being hurt, troublesome experiences, and/or dealing with difficult people? Have you found Jesus helpful when it comes to avoiding these things?
- Are you a lost sheep? Or you fancy yourself incapable of ‘getting lost’, and think yourself more clever and competent than a sheep?
- Does it frustrate or embarrass you when God invites all His neighbors and friends to celebrate and enter His joy over having you in His life?