Sermon Text: 1 Samuel 9-11
- Pride
- Israel’s Request
- Saul’s Insecurity
- Providence
- God’s Plan
- God’s Proof
- God’s Power
Reflection Questions:
- Think of 5 ways we perceive celebrities as our kings.
- What are 3 ways you are afraid of failure, and/or disappointing people? Do you see the roots of pride in this insecurity? If Jesus says “I love you” and you say “I’m a failure” – who do you listen to more intently (which voice is more dominant in your life)?
- List 10 things that you did not create, nor do you have final control.
- When was a time that God proved to you that He was at work in your life?
- Where are you ascribing glory these days? (i.e. what are you infatuated with?).